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I'm so glad you're here!

I would like to get to know you better, but first here's a little about me...

I am a mom to three amazing kids: Brady, Allie, and Caleb!  


I would have to say that being a mom is my biggest joy.  It is also a role that can bring some of the biggest challenges.  Being a parent is hard! Life is messy! And, for sure, none of it is easy!

Over the past 15 years of motherhood, I have discovered the importance of self-care in order to be the best version of myself – and the best mom to my three kids.  Because, when I am not at my best, my stress and overwhelm starts to affect the ones I love the most...and, to me, that's not ok.

I will be took me a little while to realize this.  For many years, I struggled with asking for help.  I felt like it was my role to do it all.  Guess what happened?  I found myself drowning in Mom Burnout.  I was sad and overwhelmed.  I knew I needed something to change.  I needed to find balance.

Learning to prioritize things such as sleep, exercise, meals, time, boundaries, and even down time, has helped me be the mom that my kids need and enjoy!  I truly believe that the best way to look after my family is to look after myself too!


So, who am I when I am not mom?


Prior to having kids,  I was a kindergarten teacher in both North Carolina and Wisconsin. Working with these little ones brought me so much happiness! Even though I left the classroom to stay home with my kids, I use a lot of my classroom management skills and child development knowledge in my own home and when giving my clients tools to try with their own families.


After being home with my kids for 10+ years, I fell in love with life coaching and decided to pursue a career supporting other moms.  I launched Dot Your I in 2018  and I absolutely love that I get to help moms. My goal is to help every client be able to look back at motherhood someday and smile, because they truly lived in the moments instead of just surviving them.

Motherhood is hard but it's also so much fun #stressedbutblessed.  With my support, accountability, and proven programs, I will help you learn habits, mindset tools, and time management strategies that are easy to implement and maintain without feeling like you are giving up time with your loved ones or adding more stress.  I will help you understand that prioritizing your self-care is actually the best gift you can give your family.

Ready to get started?  

- Jamie

"Taking care of yourself doesn't mean me first, it means me too" -  L.R. KNOST



As a certified Coach, I will teach you about the art and science of habit change, tools to get unstuck, and a safe space to work on your inner game, so you can experience real, lasting results.  I will help you improve your mindset, reduce your stress, and grow into the best version of yourself.


© 2018 DOT YOUR I, LLC 

Jamie Mamerow - Life Coach

Madison, Wisconsin

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